Step One
Obtain your unofficial academic transcript.
Step Two
Retrieve your total gpa hours & total quality points.

Total gpa hours are only credit hours that have gone towards your gpa and exclude credits from things such as AP classes, classes you have withdrawn from, and transfer credits.

Total quality points is the value of a grade (ex. A = 4.0) times the credit hours of that course for every course you have taken.
Step Three
Input your hypothetical / projected semesterly grades in the input section.

The keep grade checkbox will exclude a class from the pass/fail optimization if you know you want to keep the course for a grade.

The retake calculation is done as a grade replacement.

The gpa scale used can be found on the about page
This app is simply meant to be a tool for calculating one's gpa. It is not meant to be the ultimate dictator of any decisions made about one's academic career. No personal data is being collected or sent about any users.

Total quality points can be found by multiplying total gpa hours and cumulative gpa. However, this could be slightly less accurate than finding the total quality points on your transcript as schools round/cut off gpa decimals. Quality points are also referred to as grade points at some schools.

Course Grade
Keep Grade? Retake? Old Grade
Step One
This serves as a simple weighted average calculator for a single course. Input your the grade earned for each weighted section as a percentage.
Step Two
Input the weight associated for each grade section. Press submit for knowledge.
This app is simply meant to be a tool for calculating one's gpa. It is not meant to be the ultimate dictator of any decisions made about one's academic career. No personal data is being collected or sent about any users.
Grade (%) Weight
Switch GPA scales:
The Grade Wizard
The Grade Wizard was implemented to aid in the process of determining which classes a student should count for a grade or pass/fail in order to optimize their cumulative GPA.
Optimizing ones GPA is not as simple as just doing pass/fail for any class with a grade below your current GPA. For example, if you have a 3.25 GPA and are talking 5 classes with grades of C, B+, and 3 A's, your GPA will increase more if you only keep the 3 A's even though a B+ is still above your current GPA. The Grade Wizard is here to do these calculations for you. On top of that, by including the ability to override the optimization with the "keep grade" box, we allow users to compare several different possible GPAs.
The Grade Wizard will tell you which classes you should pass/fail this semester in order to get the highest cumulative GPA. It also will tell you your normal cumulative GPA without pass/fail optimization for comparison.
We also provide a course grade calculator as a supplemental tool that one can use to project their grade in a specific class.